Dark Souls Remastered Vs Dsfix

Posted on admin

For Dark Souls Remastered on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Looks like crap, side by side comparisons'. I'm not alone. Souls players tend to be like me, fanatics about the games, their mysterious lore, exploits and moments of despair and triumph.The internet being what it is, the Souls community is particularly demanding, harsh and detail oriented, so the announcement of Dark Souls Remastered was met with equal amounts of anticipation and cynical skepticism.

What a messConsole scrubs probably love this version (rightfully so)PC scrubs will be like '$20 patch' (rightfully so)pros:better lighting and sparkly stuff6 player pvprevived pvp playerbasededicated servers!!!! draw distance (omg valley of drakes you can totally see the drakes on the bridge even from a distance)multiplayer healing items balancedUI scaling optionoriginal bugs, glitches, core gameplay, and feel largely intactcons:original bugs, glitches, core gameplay, and feel largely intact$20 patchframerate worse than dark souls 3dedicated servers!!!!!!. For matchmaking. After that it's still p2p.

Please enjoy your lagstabs!game speed is now tied to framerate (drops in framerate slows the game instead of skipping frames)(ie: you're gonna die a lot to bullshit you can no longer predict)random frame pauses during online/autosave synchinghacking is rampant, same old hacks/griefing worksmerely connecting with a hacker can potentially get you softbannedoriginal 'prepare to die' edition removed from steam storefront and can no longer be purchased (hopefully temporary)no mods allowed$20 patchI think they missed a huge opportunity here to repackage and tweak Dark Souls for Current Year. It feels like a half assed port of a port that barely justifies the (ymmv) $20-$40 price tag. I think if you never played it before, or only on console, this release will seem great, but anyone else will probably be pretty bummed out. At least we can look forward to the re-release of Demon's Souls and be able to play it on PC in like 2 years? Yeah probably about 2 years.

: It runs at a solid 60 constantly (apparently even in blighttown though I haven't got there yet myself), it's revitalised the player base, and I haven't personally encountered any bugs or crashes.Its weird that all my complaints would be directed at how it looks. Lighting is downright odd in so many places. Lighter than it should be in dark areas and vice versa, weird blue highlights/edging on weapons and armour, and no real work done to textures.If I didn't get the discount for owning Prepare to Die and didn't have enough steam wallet credit I couldn't see myself paying for this. : I'd say if you're looking for an excuse, pick it up early while theres some crazy multiplayer to be had.with dsfix, if you already own dark souls, it's literally pasting a file from a zip to your game directory, its hardly a 'hassle', but maybe thats worth $20, or even $40.

Ymmv.granted Remaster does more than just charge you $20 for dsfix, but with the removal of Prepare to Die edition from the Steam store, and the loss of mods (modding Remastered will get you softbanned), I guess thats a decision you. Cant make anymore, and the amazing array of mods aren't available to you either and never will be. Unless they re-list PtDe or package it with Remastered (like sane people would).

I already have the Prepare to Die edition and have never had a problem with that one, outside of having to install DSFix and falling through the floor at that one ladder because I slid down it instead of climbed down it.The coverage I've seen of this one has been entirely on consoles and there, it looks pretty great and seems to run very smoothly, but I don't really see myself buying it on one of those.What I really want to see is the Switch version. Would be cool to play Dark Souls wherever I want to, but I'm not going to buy that one until I see how well it runs.

It would also be fantastic if tapping the sleep button on the Switch actually paused the game without messing things up. So, just to start off, I love this game. I am happy to pay for it again with a better framerate on the Xbox One X just because I like it that much and playing the old version with that busted ass framerate sucks.Having said that, I don't read much about this game. Is the internet in agreement that Blighttown even with a good framerate is just bad? Like, it's just BAD level design.

It's confusing in a not good way with bad enemies and poison and it's just kind of all of the things about souls games that are frustrating and not fun. I have played this game enough to know where I need to go but no enough (apparently) to still not get lost and then tripped up in the geometry and die. It's fucking irritating for a game that otherwise I adore.

I feel like I always gloss over this part of my adulation because it ends up being a relative blip on the radar but in the moment, woof. Having said that, I don't read much about this game. Is the internet in agreement that Blighttown even with a good framerate is just bad? Like, it's just BAD level design.

It's confusing in a not good way with bad enemies and poison and it's just kind of all of the things about souls games that are frustrating and not fun. I have played this game enough to know where I need to go but no enough (apparently) to still not get lost and then tripped up in the geometry and die.

It's fucking irritating for a game that otherwise I adore. I feel like I always gloss over this part of my adulation because it ends up being a relative blip on the radar but in the moment, woof.Nah, Blighttown is still terrible even at a pristine 60 frames-per-second. Certainly, all of the other souls games have their own take on the 'Hey, there's poison and shit everywhere' area, but I still think it's the worst between those assholes with the toxic darts, the part where a misplaced roll is instant death, or how intolerable the swamp section is if you didn't get the rusted iron ring.

Having said that, I don't read much about this game. Is the internet in agreement that Blighttown even with a good framerate is just bad? Like, it's just BAD level design. It's confusing in a not good way with bad enemies and poison and it's just kind of all of the things about souls games that are frustrating and not fun. I have played this game enough to know where I need to go but no enough (apparently) to still not get lost and then tripped up in the geometry and die.

Dark Souls Dsfix Best Settings

It's fucking irritating for a game that otherwise I adore. I feel like I always gloss over this part of my adulation because it ends up being a relative blip on the radar but in the moment, woof.Nah, Blighttown is still terrible even at a pristine 60 frames-per-second. Certainly, all of the other souls games have their own take on the 'Hey, there's poison and shit everywhere' area, but I still think it's the worst between those assholes with the toxic darts, the part where a misplaced roll is instant death, or how intolerable the swamp section is if you didn't get the rusted iron ring.Okay so I'm not crazy! Thanks, friend.

Dark Souls Remastered Vs Dsfix

Not that I was exactly seeing anything saying 'I LOVE BLIGHTTOWN' or anything, but still. At the time, most of the complaints (that I saw at the time) were about the framerate (warranted) and not about everything else (hell, again, I didn't even notice these myself until playing through on PC with DSfix later).I finally got out of a huge mess I was in which inspired me to post this in the first place.

Dark Souls 3 Vs Remastered

I just fucking hate that place.Someday I'm going to go back to DS2. I can't remember that game's terrible poison area. I can remember the rest of them. : You get banned from using mods ATM or there reports of people getting banned. With the Remastered version.smh, oh well no point in getting this then. Thanks for info.Just stick with the old community patched version with DSfix and other mods. There's really no reason to buy the remastered version on the PC.If i could get the texture packs with 4k at stable 60 I would probably be tempted, but knowing that mods aren't allowed kinda kills it for me.I just got done with a session of the DSfix version of the game.

Having jumped up to 4K a month ago, my eyes were kind of straining with the old HD texture mods. If the modding community can get some 4K texture packs going, that'd be real great. : You get banned from using mods ATM or there reports of people getting banned. With the Remastered version.smh, oh well no point in getting this then. Thanks for info.Just stick with the old community patched version with DSfix and other mods. There's really no reason to buy the remastered version on the PC.If i could get the texture packs with 4k at stable 60 I would probably be tempted, but knowing that mods aren't allowed kinda kills it for me.I just got done with a session of the DSfix version of the game.

Dark Souls Hd Texture Pack

Having jumped up to 4K a month ago, my eyes were kind of straining with the old HD texture mods. If the modding community can get some 4K texture packs going, that'd be real great.I played in 4k dsr a few years ago and it looked incredible, don't know exactly what textures i used though.