Life Is Feudal Trees

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Boars are territorial, but they’re not killers. Life is Feudal: MMO has an assortment of wildlife to be hunted, killed or tamed, including hares, grouse, deer, moose, wolves, bears, aurochs, sheep and boars. They all behave differently, too.

Originally posted by:Correct, on the FOREST.i.e. Underbrush, sprout chances, etc.pls don't say hmmm,'s ummm yes. If a tree has a 25% chance to spawn a sprout normally it now WILL spawn one.everyday.this is the would be wildly easier to they're going to do on the other words, the DEVS agree it's easier. If what you had said worked that way properly, they would have it as a temp patch instead, just like the temp for the racks / tubs. Screwing with the coding isn't as straight foward as it seems, everything in the buried code is tied to damn near EVERYthing else.No, it won't spawn one every day.

Did you even read where I said it should advance age by 4 days instead of 1 for existing trees? Indeed, what I said, if you read it, is if the% to drop a sprout is normally 25% in a day, you have just multiplied that by 4, meaning it is now guaranteed to drop one.IF the% to drop is 10% a day, then it is now 40%, but either way, you have added 4X the number of sprouts to the server, sending the server alot faster to the realm of being overpopulated by trees. Trees don't just sprout junk trees.Whatever the scrpit is set to, if the original tree paaases, it can create a sprout UP to that Q, so again, it's still one F-ton easier to simply back the patch to where trees were or closer to it so folks have trees w/o resorting to altering time files, which in turn create all sorts of unexpected results. But that's fine, run that script, when it does everything that's not expected, simply wipe - folks never, ever mind that. Let me clarify some things about forest growth process that was introduced in Everything below has little use for players and is aimed for server admins.Forest is now governed by much more complicated rules which are described below. If you are not interested in the innards of the algorithm, skip the first section right to the topics you guys discussed here.

The first section is provided just to clarify which things do not work like before, like 'sprout spawn rates' that were mentioned here. General algorithm descriptionHere are the goals of the algorithm:1. Forest should never become too big2. Forest should be visually diverse in terms of tree types, should contain trees of various ages and qualitiesThere is a new server configuration file named cmforestmaintenance.xml which configures the 'optimal' overall state of the forest.

Regardless of the state of the forest before, maintenance-by-maintenance the algorithm will slowly 'move' forest from it's current state to the optimal state.The most important thing about this optimal state is how much trees there should be on the server. This can be expressed in terms of 'tree density' settings and basically means that 'moving to optimal state' results in either increasing or decreasing the number of trees in existing forest.

The optimal state is maintained once reached.The criteria for tree death is it's age. The older the particular tree gets, the greater the chance that it will die during the next maintenance. EVERY tree will die of old age sooner or later. In contrast to this, the algorithm will create new trees only if there is a shortage of trees of a particular type compared to the 'optimal' forest.Let's say that we want to cover 10% of forest soil with pines and there are 1000 cells of forest soil on the server. This would mean that forest in the optimal state will have 100 pines. If there are, say, 150 pines on our server, excessive pines will slowly die out, whereas in case there are just 50 pines instead of 150, 'missing' pines would be spawned over the course of several game days.Once the optimal forest state is reached, there should be trees of all ages with nicely distributed wood quality values.

The 'factory' settings of cmforestmaintenance.xml should give you a beautiful and diverse forest that lives, changes over time but never reaches the crazy overgrown state that was possible before.The rules of determining WHERE to plant the new trees are complicated and I don't think that they are relevant to this discussion.It should be noted that transition to the optimal state is likely to take a long time (something around 200 game days), but it depends on the current state of the forest. Unchecked overgrowth of forest database tableBefore forest trees would never die on their own, so forest grew uncontrollably and the only 'legit' way of reducing its' size was just cutting trees down. The workaround that many admins use (as far as we know) is applying 'clearing' SQL scripts that remove trees from server database based on some criteria (e.g. Remove all trees with quality.

$CmMaintenance::forestMaintenanceDayCount that was discussed here will do something but it is probably not what you expect. Indeed, trees would age faster, which means that they would die faster. Due to implementation details setting this parameter to, say, 2 will result in a forest that has twice smaller number of trees than the number indicated by the density settings in cmforestmaintenance.xml. This behavior may suit your needs but this variable was not intended for such usage.That said, seeing these discussions, we recognize that there should be a way to configure the speed of the forest growth for server admins. We plan to provide a solution that plays well with the rest of forest growth logic in future. @Yoshihito I would guess that the situation is as you describe it due to the fact that there already were not many trees before rolled out (perhaps because a SQL script was routinely used on the server that reduced the population of the trees), which was not a problem back then, but was amplified greatly by the changes to the tree aging speeds. Is my assumption right?If it is, this probably means that your server's forest is in transition to the optimal state I described in my previous comment.

Life Is Futile Forest Village

Once this optimal state is reached, there should be plenty of trees to work with (something around 50k trees on a server for unaltered cmforestmaintenance.xml, if I remember correctly).As I said, reaching optimal forest state may take around 200 game days, or more, depends on the initial state of the forest. As a server admin, you may choose to force this transition in one go by executing the following script on the server console. @Bellophoron The rules are exactly the same for all trees, the only difference between 'wild' trees and player-planted ones is, well, the act of their creation - first ones are planted 'naturally', the second - by hand.Player intervention will inevitably 'move' the forest state either towards optimal state or away from it.

If left unattended, the plantations that move the forest away from the optimal state will eventually die out. For example, in a forest that is supposed to have 1000 apple trees players are free to plant additional 2000 apple trees by themselves, but the 'natural' way of forest development will resist those changes and the excessive apple trees will slowly (SLOWLY) die out if players do not restore their plantations.

Time will tell whether there are exploits like this or not, but right now it seems doubtful that players will be able to affect the balance in a significant way - it would require manually planting thousands and thousands of trees.But more importantly - even if such a giant man-made plantation arises, the rate at which trees age (i.e. Become bigger) will not change - in fact it never will, no matter what (I assume that this is what you mean by 'forcing plantation growth down'?).Nothing stops you from planting trees that you want, no matter what happens in other parts of the server, and nothing changes aging speed of those trees. In fact, the whole 'sweet spot balancing' thing is there mainly to protect from forests that become so big in terms of tree numbers they cause lags (as was before, even if players planted nothing extra) and to generate forests that are visually pretty.Also nothing stops players from manual creation of super overgrown forests, but that's players' choice and you will have to work to achieve that because the system will constantly push back. I also wondered about what Davakar is typing, based on what you typed OO.BeN.Using your example of 10% of 1000 cells with Pine.

Consider this, I am in a group of 15 people, and we plant nothing but Pines, fill every cell we can, behind our walls. Does that mean someone else, elsewhere on the server, is not going to be able to grow pines if we and a few other claims can hit that 10%?Will someone eventually just not be able to grow Pine? If yes, seems a great form of economic warfare and a conflict starter.Imagine if this can be done with Apple or Mulberry trees also. If you can corner the server 'market' on Apple trees, there go a whole bunch on animal farms. Or, Farming actually becomes important to feed animals.

I can't see your point. The aging process will be pretty slow and will touch everyone. Group A's trees will age and die as well, so they will have to be replanted. That doesn't prevent group B to do absolutely the same.The limit doesn't mean that the 1001th tree will just despawn.

It means 1001th tree won't be spawned naturally. There is nothing preventing PLAYERS to maintain 3 000 treees with regular replants, it just won't happen naturally. And if players stop to replant (take care of the forest) the trees will just slowly die out as all trees, just no new ones will be spawned until the amount drops under the desired amount (which was 1K in the example). And that process is about 200 ingame days.

Originally posted by:@Bellophoron The rules are exactly the same for all trees, the only difference between 'wild' trees and player-planted ones is, well, the act of their creation - first ones are planted 'naturally', the second - by hand.Player intervention will inevitably 'move' the forest state either towards optimal state or away from it. If left unattended, the plantations that move the forest away from the optimal state will eventually die out. For example, in a forest that is supposed to have 1000 apple trees players are free to plant additional 2000 apple trees by themselves, but the 'natural' way of forest development will resist those changes and the excessive apple trees will slowly (SLOWLY) die out if players do not restore their plantationsthx for the answer m8;).

Why Early Access?“ There are a number of reasons why we felt Early Access was the right path for us. Starting out, we were just a small team of avid gamers, working out of a tiny apartment and just barely scraping.

In order to create a game that truly encapsulated feudal life, while also offering an open, freeform and quality experience worth coming back for, we knew we’d have to invest all of our time and resources to accomplish this. Without Early Access, this would not have been possible.Furthermore, the community feedback has been definitive in helping shape the Life is Feudal world. We wanted to continue to have this relationship with the players. Early Access gives us the ability to collect and integrate player opinions and feedback into the game to help deliver the best experience possible in Life is Feudal: MMO.”Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?“ Life is Feudal: MMO will launch approximately 12 months after the release into Early Access.”How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?“ The full version of Life is Feudal: MMO will be feature complete. We plan to implement ships and basic naval warfare, advanced AI and hostile NPC encounters. We are continuing to add, finish and polish the siege mechanics, along with all of the many others already included within the game. We are adding more siege equipment, siege engines and a number of other secondary features that the community will choose by voting for their favorites.

Along with these new features, players can expect a more polished and smooth gameplay experience in the full version of the game.”What is the current state of the Early Access version?“ Life is Feudal: MMO enables you, along with thousands of other players, to dive into a living, breathing - and ever-evolving - world. Begin your journey by stepping into an enormous 21x21km, fully realized world, complete with naturalistic weather, day-night cycles, and changing seasons. Explore a vast world; choose a suitable location for your humble home, walled city or strapping fort. Level and terraform to perfect the area before getting to work. Meet new friends and forge alliances with neighbors — imagine the possibilities with a team of people.Some polishing is still ongoing and you can expect bugs here and there, but from a feature perspective, we believe we have an almost complete game. The features that we plan to implement for the full release can be considered as secondary in relation to the core gameplay that is already present in game.”Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?“ We do not plan significant price changes during the Early Access. You can expect the price increase after the EA.”How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?“ The feedback from our players is exceptionally important to us, which is why we want to involve them as much as possible.

Life Is Feudal Tree Growth Cycle

To do so, we have consistently provided weekly developer news updates and have regularly asked for player feedback on key issues and game mechanics throughout the development process. Dawn of war 2 wargear mod. We will continue to include the community this way as we move into Early Access. Players can also have their voices heard by submitting, voting for, and discussing ideas on our official forum.”. 14 JuneHey, Feudalists!This Tuesday we’ve introduced the with the new Outpost Totem mechanics which should resolve most of the exploits related to the outpost claiming. What is the Outpost Totem? It is a new object, that will be placed whenever an outpost is built. Now you can use abilities “Initiate a Holy Judgement”, “Claim Outpost” and “Stop Outpost Claiming” only by interacting with the totem.

We hope this new control points mechanics will make outpost capturing much more fair and enjoyable. Have you already tried it?You ask - we deliver! This week we’ve also introduced a new “Collapse mine” feature according to your numerous suggestions. We have added “Collapse” and “Break Reinforce” abilities that can be used on an unoccupied mine block.

Now you won’t have to wait ages to see the tunnels collapse on their own! We hope our dedicated miners will appreciate new abilities.In this latest patch, we’ve also tweaked the lag compensation based on your thoughts and feedback. We hope these changes will improve game performance and make it more smooth. Your thoughts about the latest lag compensation tweaks are also welcomed in.We have also a surprise for the true monarchs of the medieval kingdoms! The latest update brought 6 types of gorgeous royal clothes to our premium shop.

Life Is Feudal Trees

With these outfits, you will shine like the bright stars of your kingdoms that you are.Attentive readers have probably noticed that Royal Outfits on the picture compliments with accessories of the true power — Royal Crowns. These accessories will be added to the store before the end of June.And now it’s time for a community spot!we told you about ambitious construction organized by the union of several guilds — Olympics Coliseum.

It seems that the construction has progressed significantly. We want to share a couple of pictures from the scene with you:Everyone is invited to participate in the grand construction of Olympic Coliseum.Join the Godenland Olympics event server on Discord:Just a reminder that the First Feudal Olympics will be held this summer and players are preparing different disciplines and challenges for the participants.If you have any other amazing ideas for the events that may be organized in LiF MMO — let us know, we will be happy to support your project!

(Catherine Chudinova#3714 is waiting for your ideas)—The Team. New Features and Tweaks:. Added an Outpost Totem — new object that will be placed whenever an outpost is built. Abilities “Initiate a Holy Judgement”, “Claim Outpost” and “Stop Outpost Claiming” are now only available from the Outpost Totem.

Life Is Feudal Wiki

Added coloring to the chat tab with counselor. Added “Collapse” and “Break Reinforce” abilities, which can be used inside a mine. Remember: the tile you want to collapse cannot be occupied by any people and/or horses. Added new premium clothes — King’s Outfits. Explore Newbie Island for FREE!With Life is Feudal: MMO 0.2.0 Update every explorer can now go to the Newbie Island for free! From now on, you can start your journey completely for free without buying game starter-packs, and later, if you’d like to continue it on the mainland —all you need is a ticket to Abella.A great excuse to gather your friends and, explore new map and start building a kingdom that will be famous for centuries to come!And don't forget to user Counselors Feature to get a special reward for teaching your friends!

About This Game. NON-TARGET PVP COMBAT & FULL LOOTYour weapon should actually hit your enemy in order to inflict the damage. Physics parameters are taken into the account! You can take everything that fallen enemy had on himself!. GUILD WARS AND MASSIVE SIEGESTrue political sandbox with guilds of all sizes, alliances, vassalitisation and real map land control. Authentic sieges with siege ladders, trebuchets explosive charges and siege camps. INSTANCE BATTLES & PVP ARENAFight along with your friends and guildmates in 100 vs 100 prearranged instanced battles or play solo in survival arenas!.

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